Photo Gallery

Around Port Mouton Bay | Aerial Photos - Boat Rally | Boats in the Bay | Port Mouton Island | Lobster Fishery

Port Mouton Wharf

Lobster fishermen ready their boats for the start of the season

Fishermen bait and load traps the day before "dumping day", the start of the lobster season. (Photo by D. Alex Ross)

Port Mouton Wharf

Lobster fishermen ready their boats for the start of the season

Lobster traps being stowed on board. (Photo by D. Alex Ross)

Port Mouton Wharf

Lobster fishermen ready their boats for the start of the season

Lobster boats tied up at the wharf, and more traps ready on the wharf. (Photo by D. Alex Ross)

Port Mouton Wharf

Lobster fishermen ready their boats for the start of the season

The "Laurie Dawn" loaded and ready to go. (Photo by D. Alex Ross)

Hunts Point Wharf

Lobster fishermen ready their boats for the start of the season

Lobster boats loaded with traps and also ready for "dumping day". (Photo by D. Alex Ross)

Port Mouton Wharf

Lobster fishermen ready their boats for the start of the season

View of five lobster boats along side the wharf. (Photo by D. Alex Ross)

Port Mouton Wharf

Lobster boats tied up during the off season

Summer time view of lobster boats at the wharf. (Photo by D. Alex Ross)